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musical artist

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Born (approx. date) 2002
Country Ukraine
Age (approx.) 23
Knows languages english, ukrainian
Occupations musical artist
Years active 2022 - Present
Genres Phonk, Hip-Hop/Rap
Last update on: February 16, 2025

ZWE1HVNDXR is a unique electronic musician in the phonk genre, born and raised in Lviv, Ukraine. He does not reveal his identity; there is not a single mention of the artist’s real name or photograph on the Internet. He is also a member of the Ukrainian Organisation PHONK UA.

What is Phonk?

Phonk is a subgenre of hip-hop and trap music inspired by the rap scene in Memphis during the 1990s. Coined and popularized by rapper SpaceGhostPurrp in the early 2010s, this style is characterized by vocals from old Memphis rap recordings and samples from early 1990s hip-hop, especially bell samples reminiscent of the Roland TR-808 drum machine. The genre is built on dark, distorting techniques of chopped and screwed sound.

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Article written by fabulous team.
Last update on: February 16, 2025
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