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Ahn-Za Hagström


unveil Ahn-Za Hagström
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Born 1973-03-14
Country Sweden
Age 51
Height 160 CM
Knows languages english, swedish
Occupations analyst, activist
Years active 2004 - Present
Last update on: November 6, 2023

Ahn-Za Hagström is a senior analyst who has been working with counterterrorism and law protection at the Swedish Security Service (Säkerhetspolisen) since 2003. She has a background as an analyst at the Swedish Defense University (Försvarshögskolan) and co-authored the book "I krisen prövas ordningsmakten" ("Order is Tested in Crisis") which delves into topics related to terrorism and extremism.

Leadership Role at the National Center for Terrorist Threat Assessment (NTC)

Hagström serves as the head of the National Center for Terrorist Threat Assessment (NTC) in Sweden. In this capacity, she plays a pivotal role in assessing and addressing the evolving security situation in the country.

Collaborative Book with Dan Hansén

Hagström co-authored the book "I krisen prövas ordningsmakten – Sex fallstudier av extraordinära händelser där det svenska rättssamhället har satts på prov" ("Order is Tested in Crisis - Six Case Studies of Extraordinary Events Testing the Swedish Legal Society"). Published in 2004 by Jure, the book provides a comprehensive analysis of crisis management within the police sector in Sweden.

Content and Case Studies

The book explores six case studies of extraordinary events where the Swedish legal society was severely tested. These include the airplane hijacking at Bulltofta in 1972, the Norrmalmstorg hostage drama in 1973, the occupation of the West German embassy in Stockholm in 1975, the assassination of Prime Minister Olof Palme in 1986, the police murders in Malexander in 1999, and the Gothenburg riots in 2001. Each case study delves into the challenges faced by decision-makers at various levels and parts of the sector.

Analytical Focus and Contemporary Significance

Through these case studies, the book analyzes the dilemmas and decisions faced by decision-makers during crises. The analytical approach stimulates reflection and discussion about the police force's ability to handle exceptional challenges. The book's focus on contemporary events gives it substantial relevance in the present.

Discussion of Organizational Challenges

The book also addresses organizational challenges, inherent learning problems, rivalry among different police authorities, and issues arising when political leadership clashes with police leadership. These challenges provide valuable insights into the complexities of crisis management within the police sector.

Audience and Importance

"I krisen prövas ordningsmakten" is essential reading for decision-makers across all levels within the law enforcement sector. It is particularly relevant for individuals undergoing police training or further education. Moreover, readers interested in contemporary history, Swedish democracy, and broader aspects of security and democracy will find this book highly valuable.

Concerns About Children in Syria and the Threat of Radical Nationalism

Ongoing Concerns About Children in Syria:

Ahn-Za Hagström, the Chief Analyst at the Swedish Security Service (Säkerhetspolisen or Säpo), has raised alarm about approximately 70 children remaining in Syria, belonging to families associated with the Islamic State (IS). Säpo has filed reports with various Swedish municipalities expressing concern about these children, preparing the local authorities for the potential return of children from IS families.

Preparation for Potential Return:

These reports serve as a proactive measure to alert municipalities, indicating that children from IS families might come back to Sweden. This proactive approach aims to prepare the communities for the challenges associated with the reintegration of these children into Swedish society.

The Concept of the "New Caliphate"

Description of IS Camps as the "New Caliphate":

Ahn-Za Hagström has referred to the camps where Swedish children are raised amidst IS ideology as the "new caliphate." This terminology underscores the concern regarding the indoctrination and radicalization occurring within these camps, shaping the future perspectives and beliefs of these children.

Domestic Threat from Radical Nationalists

Rise of Violent Radical Nationalists:

In addition to the challenges posed by IS-related issues, Säpo identifies another domestic threat – the rise of violent radical nationalists. These individuals might find increased support and momentum due to the success of the Sweden Democrats (SD), a political party in Sweden. The success of SD potentially emboldens radical nationalists, posing a threat to the country's internal security.

Significance for Sweden's Future Security

Critical Importance for Sweden's Security:

The management and resolution of issues related to IS families in Syria and the rise of radical nationalism are pivotal for Sweden's future security landscape. Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive approach, involving both proactive measures to handle potential returnees and strategies to counter domestic radicalization.


Ahn-Za Hagström's insights highlight the multifaceted security concerns faced by Sweden. The proactive measures taken by Säpo, coupled with the vigilance required in managing radical nationalist sentiments, are crucial elements in safeguarding the nation's security and societal harmony. Addressing these challenges with strategic planning and comprehensive policies is imperative for Sweden's stability and safety in the coming years

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Last update on: November 6, 2023
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