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unveil Margaux
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Born 1999-02-04
Country United States
Age 25
Knows languages english
Occupations singer, musical artist
Known for Indie, New Age
Real name Margaux Bouchegnies
Instruments Vocals, Guitar
Last update on: June 16, 2024

Margaux Bouchegnies, known professionally as Margaux, was born in 1999 in Seattle, Washington. Growing up in a musically inclined environment, Margaux began her journey in music at an early age. She learned to play various instruments, including the upright bass, guitar, and piano. Her passion for music led her to focus on jazz upright bass during her high school years.

Early Life

Education and Move to New York. Margaux moved to New York City to pursue her musical education at The New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music. However, she soon realized that the conservatory environment did not align with her creative aspirations. She found more inspiration in her literary studies courses and decided to prioritize songwriting, shifting her focus away from an academic setting.

Musical Career

Early Career: Margaux started her music career by writing and recording her own songs. She played all the instruments on her tracks, showcasing her versatility and talent. Her music is characterized by its unique sound, incorporating unconventional instruments such as handbells, bottlecaps, glockenspiel, and mellotron. Her style is reminiscent of early 70s folk rock, drawing inspiration from artists like Joni Mitchell and David Byrne.

Debut EP: In 2020, Margaux released her debut EP, More Brilliant Is The Hand That Throws The Coin, on Massif Records. The EP is a cohesive collection of songs that explore the themes of growing up and coming of age. Each track on the EP is deeply personal, reflecting Margaux's experiences and emotions. The song 'Faced with Fire' was particularly significant for Margaux, as it was crafted with a specific vision and mood in mind. The EP received positive reviews for its honest lyrics and compelling melodies.

Influences and Inspirations

Margaux's music is influenced by a wide range of artists and genres. In addition to Joni Mitchell and David Byrne, she draws inspiration from the Carpenters, Pixies, Paul Simon, Lyle Brewer, and Kate Davis. She is also inspired by the multidisciplinary art of Taryn Simon, whose meticulous approach to creativity resonates with Margaux's own artistic process.

Future Plans

Margaux continues to write and record new music. She has been working on new songs and plans to keep refining and expanding her songwriting. Although she has not thought too far ahead, Margaux has expressed interest in touring in the future and playing more shows around the New York City area.

Personal Life

Margaux's move from Seattle to New York was a significant catalyst in her songwriting process. The experience of uprooting and facing personal growth and change has deeply influenced her music. Her song 'Smaller Home' reflects the ambiguity and tension of seeing herself differently amidst familiar surroundings.

Margaux is a rising star in the music industry, known for her unique sound and thoughtful lyrics. Her debut EP marks the beginning of what promises to be a successful and impactful career.

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Article written by
Last update on: June 16, 2024
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