Marlena Haddad, a captivating contestant on the 28th season of The Bachelor, graced the world on December 16, 1996, in Waterbury, Connecticut. As a Finance Writer by profession, Marlena Alexia Haddad brings a unique blend of intelligence and warmth to the romantic quest unfolding on the show.
Born | 1996-12-16 |
Country | United States |
Age | 28 |
Height | 172 CM |
Knows languages | english |
Occupations | actress, writer |
Known for | The Bachelor: Season 28 |
Glimpse into Marlena's world and aspirations
Marlena is poised for commitment and seeks a partner unafraid to express his emotions openly. Vulnerability holds a special place in her heart, and she anticipates seeing Joey's sensitive side during their journey.
Described by her loved ones as optimistic, loyal, and resilient, Marlena envisions a future where she is married with two children, continuing her passion for fostering rescue dogs. Her dream job is none other than embracing the role of a loving parent, eagerly anticipating the joys of her upcoming soccer mom era.
A self-proclaimed 'hopeful romantic,' Marlena goes the extra mile to make her partner feel cherished. Her love language involves thoughtful gestures and genuine expressions of affection.
Marlena finds joy in simple pleasures, such as reading books by candlelight, a serene and enchanting activity that reflects her appreciation for life's quieter moments.
Puppies hold a special place in Marlena's heart, bringing unparalleled happiness to her life. Their playful and affectionate nature resonates with her, making every interaction a source of pure joy.
An interesting tidbit about Marlena's golfing adventures is her unwavering preference for driving the golf cart, adding a touch of spontaneity to her recreational pursuits.
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Last update on: December 28, 2023 All visual content and information have been curated from openly referenced sources provided in the above links.