Victor Lou, a Brazilian DJ who has faced numerous challenges throughout his life. Victor Lou embarked on his career around 2015, introducing his unique style of music that has now become an international benchmark. Beyond his musical endeavors, he actively engages in social causes, undertaking actions for environmental conservation and food collection during the COVID-19 pandemic. Empathetic and aware of his influence, Victor Lou relentlessly seeks personal and professional growth.
Born (approx. date) | 1994 |
Country | Brazil |
Age (approx.) | 30 |
Height | 180 CM |
Knows languages | english |
Occupations | DJ |
Years active | 2015 - Present |
DJ Victor Lou - Career
With chart-toppers like 'Suavemente,' 'This Is House,' 'Untitled,' 'Lambada,' and the recent 'Summer Vibes,' Victor has experienced an immeasurable ascent. This is evident as he secured spots in renowned festivals such as XXXperience, Só Track Boa, and Lollapalooza. In the club scene, Victor Lou graced venues like Laroc, Privilege, Green Valley, El Fortin, and P12. A pioneer in the 'desande' movement, Lou spares no effort in reinventing himself with every track and live performance.
Born in Goiânia, a city renowned as the birthplace of sertanejo music, Victor grew up in the outskirts of Senador Canedo—a neighboring city. With humble origins and simplicity as one of his core qualities, he worked various jobs, including painting, construction work, electrical work, telemarketing, among others, before gaining international recognition as a music producer.
Victor Lou faced more challenging odds than most, being a young Black man from the periphery and rural areas. Overcoming societal judgments and adversities, he has reached a level that few achieve in such a short span of a career.
Victor Lou's story is a testament to resilience, determination, and the power of music to transcend boundaries. From his beginnings in the periphery of Senador Canedo to gracing international stages, he continues to evolve, leaving an indelible mark on the global music scene.
Frequently asked about Victor Lou:
- victor lou tour
Last update on: January 6, 2024 All visual content and information have been curated from openly referenced sources provided in the above links.